Vol. 4 No. 5 (2024)
Reimbursement Recommendations

Etranacogene Dezaparvovec (Hemgenix)

decorative image of the issue cover

Published May 8, 2024

Key Messages

  • CADTH recommends that public drug plans reimburse Hemgenix for the treatment of hemophilia B if certain conditions are met.
  • Hemgenix should only be covered to treat patients (≥ 18 years of age) with moderately severe to severe hemophilia B (circulating coagulation factor IX [FIX] ≤ 2%) if their bleeding requires ongoing prophylactic treatment, their titre of the neutralizing antibody to variant adeno-associated virus 5 (AAV5) is below 1:900, they do not have FIX inhibitors, and if they have not previously received gene therapy to treat hemophilia B.
  • Hemgenix should only be reimbursed if it is prescribed by specialists who are experts in treating hemophilia B and the cost of Hemgenix is reduced.