Vol. 4 No. 10 (2024)
Reimbursement Recommendations

Ivosidenib (Tibsovo)

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Published October 23, 2024

Key Messages

  • We recommend that Tibsovo in combination with azacitidine be reimbursed by public drug plans for the treatment of adult patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with an IDH1 R132 mutation who are not eligible to receive intensive induction chemotherapy, if certain conditions are met.
  • Tibsovo in combination with azacitidine should only be covered to treat adult patients with newly diagnosed AML with an IDH1 R132 mutation who are considered ineligible for standard intensive induction chemotherapy and are aged at least 75 years; have an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of 2; have severe organ dysfunction in the heart, lungs, kidneys, or liver; and/or have any other comorbidity judged to be incompatible with intensive induction chemotherapy.
  • Tibsovo in combination with azacitidine should only be reimbursed if prescribed by clinicians with expertise in managing patients with AML in a specialized hematology or oncology clinic, and the treatment should be supervised and delivered in institutions with expertise in systemic therapy delivery. The total drug cost of ivosidenib plus azacitidine should not exceed that of venetoclax plus azacitidine. Lastly, it must be feasible to test patients for IDH1 R132