CADTH Health Technology Review

Drug Shortages and Patient Harms

Technology Review

Key Messages

What Is the Issue?

What Did We Do?

What Did We Find?

What Does This Mean?

Context and Policy Issues

What Is the Problem?

Drug shortages are a global issue with complex dynamics. Between 2022 and 2023, more than 2,700 drug shortages were reported to Health Canada, lasting an average of 98 days.1 Of these, 34 were considered high impact — shortages with the greatest potential consequences to people and health care systems (e.g., no therapeutic alternatives available).1,2

There are multiple steps along the drug supply chain, including:

Interruptions to any of these phases can cause a shortage. For example:

In addition, weak points in the supply chain, such as relying on the supply of drugs from a single source or not having protocols in place to respond to increases in demand, can also cause or worsen existing drug shortages.3,4

What Is the Current Practice?

Strategies currently used in Canada to attempt to prevent or alleviate drug shortages include:

Furthermore, mandated reporting of drug shortages went into effect in 2017,2 Drug manufacturers are required to report anticipated shortages or discontinuations, ideally 6 months in advance, to allow time to put mitigation plans into place. Manufacturers are also required to report actual shortages as soon as they are aware of them.2

Why Is It Important to Do This Review?

People can experience clinical harm as a result of drug shortages. This can take several forms:

Some drugs have the potential for much greater patient harm if they become difficult to obtain. For example, shortages of drugs with life-saving benefits or strict dosing schedules might have more impact on patient outcomes, especially if there are no alternative options available.2,4

This report is the first in a series of CADTH-published initiatives that aims to emphasize potential priority medications and to ultimately support decision-making during drug shortages.


The purpose of this report is to summarize the evidence on patient outcomes associated with supply chain disruptions of pharmaceuticals and vaccines.

Research Question

What is the evidence on patient outcomes associated with supply chain disruptions of pharmaceuticals and vaccines?


Literature Search Methods

An information specialist conducted a literature search on key resources, including MEDLINE and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. The search approach was customized to retrieve a limited set of results, balancing comprehensiveness with relevancy. The search strategy comprised both controlled vocabulary, such as the National Library of Medicine’s MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), and keywords. Search concepts were developed based on the elements of the research questions and selection criteria. The main search concept was drug shortages. CADTH-developed search filters were applied to limit retrieval to health technology assessments, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or indirect treatment comparisons; any types of clinical trials or observational studies; real-world evidence using routinely collected data; or to the context in Canada. The search was completed on September 13, 2023, and limited to documents published since January 1, 2003.

Selection Criteria and Summary Methods

One reviewer screened citations and selected studies. In the first level of screening, titles and abstracts were reviewed and potentially relevant articles were retrieved and assessed for inclusion. The final selection of full-text articles was based on the inclusion criteria presented in Table 1. Information from the relevant studies was extracted into summary tables and organized into broad clinical indication categories by 1 reviewer. Data were extracted on the study characteristics; shortage drug and its substitute, if applicable; findings that related to direct patient harms; and overall conclusion. Outcome results and their direction of effect were briefly summarized as reported by the study’s authors and categorized into the following: no difference, worse, improved, or mixed between groups (e.g., in studies with multiple comparator groups, an outcome may improve in 1 group but worsen in another). No formal critical appraisal (e.g., risk of bias assessment) of the included studies was conducted.

Table 1: Selection Criteria




General population


Supply chain disruptions of pharmaceuticals and vaccines


Patient harms (e.g., mortality, emergency department visits, hospitalization rates, adverse events)

Study designs

Health technology assessments, systematic reviews, scoping reviews, nonrandomized studies

Exclusion Criteria

Articles were excluded if they did not meet the selection criteria outlined in Table 1, they were duplicate publications, or were published before 2003.

Studies were excluded if:

Because of the large volume of potentially relevant articles identified for full-text review, those published before January 1, 2018, were excluded. A list of the articles published before 2018 that were identified for full-text review, but not screened for inclusion and exclusion criteria, can be found in Appendix 2.

Overall Summary

Quantity of Research Available

A total of 1,871 citations were identified in the literature search. Following screening of titles and abstracts, 1,742 citations were excluded and 129 potentially relevant reports from the electronic search were retrieved for full-text review. Of these potentially relevant articles, 95 publications were excluded for various reasons, and 34 publications met the inclusion criteria and were included in this report. These comprised 1 scoping review (SR) and 33 nonrandomized studies (NRSs).

Appendix 1 presents the PRISMA5 flow chart of the study selection. Additional references of potential interest are provided in Appendix 2.

Summary of Study Characteristics

The SR by Phuong et al. (2019)6 included 40 studies. Sixteen primary studies published between 2006 and 2017 met the inclusion criteria for this report. Of these, 3 were prospective cohort studies and 13 were retrospective cohort studies. The authors of the SR were from Australia.6

Of the 16 relevant primary studies in the SR, 4 were conducted in a surgical setting, 2 in a nonspecific hospital setting, 1 in the intensive care unit, 1 in an air medical setting, and 8 did not specify a setting.6

The 33 included primary clinical studies comprised 1 registry study,7 5 prospective cohort studies,8-12 and 27 retrospective cohort studies.13-39 Two studies were published as research letters.8,30 The studies were published between 2018 and 2023. The primary clinical studies were conducted by authors from Australia,11,12 Brazil,23 Canada,13,20,30,33 the Democratic Republic of the Congo,38 France,7,14,27 Japan,8 the Netherlands,39 and the US.9,10,15-19,21,22,24-26,28,29,31,32,34-37

Twenty of the included primary studies compared outcomes between the shortage drug and its substitute before and during a drug shortage period.13-22,24,26,27,31-35,37,39 Of these, 3 studies had at least 1 substitute drug group that had a supply disruption and was further compared to an additional substitute drug group.14,34,39 In Cole et al. (2021), the intervention and comparator groups flipped partway through when supply of the shortage drug resumed, and the substitute drug went into shortage.10 In Li and Cimino (2020), the study occurred during the drug shortage period and compared patients who continued receiving the shortage drug to those who switched to a substitute drug.28 In van Langenberg et al. (2020), for long-term outcomes, the intervention group was the substitute drug and was compared to patients who switched back to the shortage drug when supply resumed.11 In this same study, there was no comparator group for short-term outcomes.11 Nine studies did not have a comparator group.8,9,12,23,25,29,30,36,38 The registry study aimed to identify adverse drug reactions related to drug shortages and describe the types of drugs and harms involved.7

Nine of the included primary studies were conducted in a nonspecific hospital setting,13,18,22,24,25,29,35,36,39 6 in the emergency department (ED),10,15,26,32-34 5 in the intensive care unit,17,20,21,27,31 5 in the community,8,9,12,30,38 3 in a surgical setting,16,19,37 3 in a hospital outpatient setting,11,14,28 and 1 in dialysis clinics.23

Summary of Findings

The 16 relevant primary studies from the SR are summarized in Table 2. The registry study and 32 NRSs are summarized in Table 3.

There was considerable variability in the types of drugs experiencing shortages. Broadly defined categories by clinical indication were identified as follows:

Strategies used to manage drug shortages:

Outcomes related to patient harms and the direction of effect during a drug shortage period:

Primary study author’s conclusions:

Context in Canada

Four primary studies investigated drug shortages occurring in Canada.13,20,30,33 The shortage drugs were carmustine, tocilizumab, probenecid (in conjunction with an antibiotic), and generic valsartan.13,20,30,33 Lachance et al. (2023) reported that the alternative drug, bendamustine, had worse outcomes in adverse events and ICU admissions and better outcomes in survival and disease progression.13 Stukas et al. (2022) reported that the decreased dose of tocilizumab had worse outcomes in mortality, but no difference in hospital LOS, ICU LOS, or duration of mechanical ventilation.20 Landry et al. (2019) reported that using the antibiotic without addition of the shortage drug had no difference in readmissions or adverse events.33 McAlister and Youngson (2020) reported worse outcomes for ED and outpatient visits, but no difference in hospital admissions.30 Three studies concluded that the replacement drug or protocol was an acceptable alternative to the shortage drug.13,20,33 The fourth study concluded that there were no long-term adverse effects because of the shortage.30

Table 2: Summary of Included Scoping Review — Phuong et al. (2019)6

Study citation

Study characteristics

Drug characteristics

Relevant outcomes

Outcome results


Romito B, et al. Hosp Pharm. 2015;50(9):798-805.


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: NR

Setting: surgery

Drug class: general anesthetic, systemic

Shortage: propofol

Replacement: alternative agents


No difference

Price B, et al. Am J Emerg Med. 2013;31(7):1124-32.


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: people requiring endotracheal intubation

Setting: air medical

Drug class: general anesthetic, systemic

Shortage: etomidate

Replacement: ketamine

Adverse drug reaction

No difference


No difference

Roberts R, et al. Crit Care Med. 2012;40(2):406-11.


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: noncardiac patients in the ICU

Setting: ICU

Drug class: general anesthetic, systemic

Shortage: propofol

Replacement: alternative anesthetic drugs

Duration of mechanical ventilation

Increased with alternative anesthetic drugs (NSS)

Oncology drugs and adjuncts

Duan F, et al. Radiology. 2016;278(2):612-21.


Study design: prospective cohort

Population: people undergoing transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma

Setting: NR

Drug class: NR

Shortage: NR

Replacement: alternative vehicles of oncology medications

Adverse drug reaction

No difference

Berger JL, et al. Onco Targets Ther. 2014;7:1409-13.


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: people with recurrent epithelial ovarian carcinoma

Setting: NR

Drug class: antineoplastic

Shortage: pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (Doxil)

Replacement: non–FDA-approved second-generation liposomal doxorubicin

Treatment response

No patients had a complete or partial response with alternative therapy

Nickel RS, et al. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2014;61(5):810-4.


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: people with newly diagnosed lymphoblastic leukemia and lymphoma

Setting: hospital

Drug class: antineoplastic

Shortage: daunorubicin

Replacement: mitoxantrone


No difference

ICU admission

No difference

Adverse events: fever, bacteremia, invasive fungal disease

No difference

Hospital LOS

No difference

Trifilio S, et al. Leuk Res. 2013;37(8):868-71.


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: people with acute myeloid leukemia

Setting: NR

Drug class: antineoplastic

Shortage: daunorubicin

Replacement: idarubicin


No difference

Adverse drug reaction

No difference

Complete remission

No difference

Antimicrobials and adjuncts

McLaughlin MM, et al. Infect Dis Ther. 2017;6(2):259-64.


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: NR

Setting: NR

Drug class: antiviral

Shortage: IV acyclovir

Replacement: high-dose oral valacyclovir

Adverse drug reaction

40% of patients experienced at least 1 adverse drug reaction to high-dose oral valacyclovir

Dilworth TJ, et al. J Manag Care Pharm. 2014;20(12):1246-54.


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: people with HIV Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia

Setting: hospital

Drug class: sulfonamide

Shortage: IV trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole

Replacement: alternative agents


Equal number of deaths in both groups

Clinical status

Worsened in the shortage group

Treatment failure

No difference

Adverse events

No difference

Hospital LOS

No difference

Mendez MN, et al. Pharmacotherapy. 2006;26(1):61-7.


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: NR

Setting: NR

Drug class: penicillin; beta-lactamase inhibitor

Shortage: piperacillin-tazobactam

Replacement: alternative antimicrobials

Adverse drug reaction

  • No difference in vancomycin-resistant enterococci rates

  • Decrease in Clostridium difficile infections with alternative antimicrobials


Vail E, et al. JAMA. 2017;317(14):1433-42.


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: people with septic shock

Setting: NR

Drug class: vasopressor

Shortage: norepinephrine

Replacement: alternative vasopressors


Increased with alternative vasopressors

Blaine KP, et al. Clin Anesth. 2016;35:516-23.


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: people undergoing cardiac surgery

Setting: surgery

Drug class: antifibrinolytic

Shortage: epsilon-aminocaproic acid

Replacement: tranexamic acid

Adverse drug reaction

Decreased with tranexamic acid

Cho S, et al. nn Pharmacother. 2016;50(9):718-24.


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: people with acute subarachnoid hemorrhage

Setting: NR

Drug class: calcium channel blocker

Shortage: nimodipine

Replacement: shortened course of treatment


No difference

Adverse drug reaction

No difference

Hospital LOS

No difference

Duration of mechanical ventilation

No difference

Neurologic outcomes

No difference

Malone C, et al. Ulster Med J. 2016;85(3):174-7.


Study design: prospective cohort

Population: people undergoing nonemergent caesarean section

Setting: surgery

Drug class: uterotonic

Shortage: IV oxytocin

Replacement: Syntometrine

Transfusions, blood loss

No difference

Adverse drug reaction

Increased intraoperative antiemetics with Syntometrine

Ladha KS, et al. Anesth Analg. 2015;121(2):404-9.


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: NR

Setting: surgery

Drug class: vasopressor

Shortage: pharmacy-prepared ephedrine syringes

Replacement: alternative vasopressors


No difference

Goldblatt J, et al. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2011;46(1):107-10.


Study design: prospective cohort

Population: people with Gaucher disease

Setting: NR

Drug class: metabolic enzyme

Shortage: imiglucerase

Replacement: None

Clinical complications

Most patients had no significant clinical complications

ICU = intensive care unit; LOS = length of stay; NR = not reported; NSS = not statistically significant.

Table 3: Summary of Included Nonrandomized Studies by Clinical Indication

Study citation, location

Study characteristics

Drug characteristics

Relevant outcomes

Outcome results


Borneau-Martin et al. (2023),7 France

Study design: registry

Population: drug shortage–related ADRs reported to a pharmacovigilance database (N = 462)

Setting: any

Drug class: any

Most frequently reported: nervous system drugs, cardiovascular drugs, anti-infectives for systemic use; replacement drug used in 96% of reported ADR cases

Number of ADR cases related to drug shortages

Increased at a greater rate than total reported ADRs over the study period


84% of cases related to drug shortages

Serious ADRs: hospitalization, medically significant or life-threatening events, death

46% of cases related to drug shortages


2% of cases related to drug shortages

Disease worsening

16% of cases related to drug shortages

Medication errors

11% of cases related to drug shortages

Anesthetics, analgesics, and sedatives

John et al. (2022),17


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: adults receiving mechanical ventilation (N = 100)

Setting: ICU

Drug class: opioid analgesic

Shortage: IV opioids

Replacement: oral opioids or alternative nonopioid drugs

Hospital LOS

No difference


No difference


No difference

Duration of mechanical ventilation

No difference

Pain level

No difference

Katsivalis et al. (2022),18


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: adults with sickle cell disease (N = 89)

Setting: hospital

Drug class: opioid analgesic

Shortage: IV opioid medications

Replacement: oral opioids

Hospital LOS

No difference


Fewer 30-day readmissions during the shortage period

ED visits

No difference

Rodriguez-Monguio et al. (2022),19


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: adults with cancer

(N = 3,906)

Setting: surgery

Drug class: Opioid analgesic

Shortage: any opioid analgesic in shortage during the study period

Replacement: any, including drug substitutions, dose conversions, and alternative administration routes

Adverse event: post-operative hypoxemia

Increased in patients exposed to opioid shortages (NSS)

Adverse event: post-operative hypoxemia reversed by IV naloxone

Increased in patients exposed to opioid shortages (NSS)

Cole et al. (2021),10


Study design: prospective cohort

Population: patients with acute agitation (N = 1,257)

Setting: ED

Drug class: antipsychotic

Shortage: droperidol; olanzapine

Replacement: droperidol; olanzapine


Longer ED LOS in the olanzapine group

Adverse event: extrapyramidal

Extrapyramidal adverse events were more common with droperidol

Adverse events: cardiovascular, respiratory, intubation

No difference

Farrell et al. (2020),26


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: adults requiring rapid sequence intubation (N = 82)

Setting: ED

Drug class: general anesthetic, systemic

Shortage: etomidate

Replacement: ketamine; methohexital

Complications: dental trauma, airway trauma, esophageal intubation, new onset seizures

No occurrences in either group

Complications: aspiration

Two aspirations occurred in the etomidate group

Nelson et al. (2019),34


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: adults with acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome (N = 300)

Setting: ED

Drug class: benzodiazepine

Shortage: IV diazepam; IV lorazepam

Replacement: IV lorazepam with IV phenobarbital; IV phenobarbital alone

ICU admission

No difference

Overall admission

  • Increased admission rates with phenobarbital only compared to diazepam

  • No difference between the other groups

LOS, total

LOS was shortest with lorazepam + phenobarbital compared to diazepam and phenobarbital only


ED LOS was shortest with diazepam compared to lorazepam + phenobarbital and phenobarbital only

LOS, floor and ICU

No difference


No difference

Neff et al. (2018),37


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: adults undergoing general anesthesia (N = 2,090)

Setting: surgery

Drug class: general anesthetic, systemic

Shortage: propofol

Replacement: inhaled volatile drugs

Postoperative nausea and vomiting

Greater incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting during the propofol shortage period


Longer duration of stay in the PACU during the propofol shortage period

Readmit to ED

No difference

Oncology drugs and adjuncts

Lachance et al. (2023),13


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: patients undergoing autologous stem cell transplant for relapsed-refractory lymphoma

(N = 227)

Setting: hospital

Drug class: antineoplastic

Shortage: carmustine

Replacement: bendamustine

Febrile neutropenia

No difference


Increased development of grade ≥ 3 mucositis with bendamustine

Toxicity: cardiac, pulmonary, liver

No difference

Toxicity: renal

Increased with bendamustine

ICU admission

Increased with bendamustine


  • Increased need for platelet transfusion with bendamustine

  • Decreased need for red blood cell transfusion with bendamustine

Hospital LOS

Increased with bendamustine


  • No early treatment-related deaths associated with bendamustine

  • Better overall survival with bendamustine

Disease progression

Better progression-free survival with bendamustine

Strobbe et al. (2023),14 France

Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: patients receiving paclitaxel-based chemotherapy

(N = 831)

Setting: outpatient

Drug class: H2A

Shortage: ranitidine; famotidine

Replacement: alternative H2A (famotidine); no H2A (H1A, corticosteroid, or combined H1A and corticosteroid)

Hypersensitivity reactions

No difference

Li and Cimino (2020),28 US

Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: patients receiving chemotherapy (N = 22)

Setting: outpatient

Drug class: antineoplastic

Shortage: etoposide injection

Replacement: alternative therapy (e.g., oral etopisode or etopophos injection)

Adverse drug events

No difference

Disease progression

No difference

Medication errors

None recorded

Roy et al. (2019),35 US

Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: adults receiving HDTMX as inpatients (N = 18)

Setting: hospital

Drug class: alkalinizing drugs

Shortage: IV sodium bicarbonate and IV sodium acetate

Replacement: oral sodium bicarbonate with oral or IV acetazolamide as needed

Hospital LOS

No difference

Adverse events: acute kidney injury, hepatotoxicity, myelosuppression

No difference

Adverse events: pneumonitis, mucositis, rash

No occurrences in either group

Visage et al. (2019),36 US

Study design: retrospective cohort, uncontrolled

Population: pediatric patients receiving HDTMX (N = 102)

(HDTMX cycles)

Setting: hospital

Drug class: alkalinizing drug

Shortage: IV sodium bicarbonate

Replacement: oral sodium bicarbonate and oral sodium citrate-citric acid

GI side effects

The incidence of GI side effects was not drastically impacted by use of an oral alkalinizing drug


Miyazato et al. (2023),8 Japan

Study design: prospective cohort, uncontrolled

Population: people at risk of yellow fever (N = 1,1279)

Setting: community

Drug Class: live vaccine, viral

Shortage: YF-Vax

Replacement: alternative 17D-204 yellow fever vaccine (Stamaril)

Adverse events

The alternative vaccination was shown to be generally safe

Serious adverse events

Three participants developed serious adverse events that may have been related to vaccination

Rojas et al. (2023),9


Study design: prospective cohort, uncontrolled

Population: people at high risk of yellow fever (N = 627,079)

Setting: community

Drug class: live vaccine, viral

Shortage: YF-Vax

Replacement: Stamaril

Adverse events

No safety issues were identified

Serious adverse events

Serious adverse events were very rare and consistent with the known safety profile

Wong et al. (2020),12


Study design: prospective cohort, uncontrolled

Population: children (N = 6,779)

Setting: community

Drug class: live vaccine, bacterial

Shortage: Sanofi-Pasteur BCG strain

Replacement: BCG-10 (derived from the Moreau strain)

Adverse events following immunization

BCG-10 had a similar safety profile to that reported for other BCG strains

Nzolo et al. (2018),38


Study design: retrospective cohort, uncontrolled

Population: people receiving preventative fractional dose yellow fever vaccination during an outbreak (N = 7,466,998)

Setting: community

Drug class: live vaccine, viral

Shortage: 17DD yellow fever vaccine, full dose

Replacement: 17DD yellow fever vaccine, fractional dose

Adverse events following immunization

Fractional dose vaccination had an acceptable safety profile

Serious adverse events following immunization

Serious adverse events were reported by 5 individuals

Antimicrobials and adjuncts

Haiduc et al. (2021),22


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: adults in hospital with febrile neutropenia (N = 150)

Setting: hospital

Drug class: cephalosporin

Shortage: cefepime

Replacement: cefepime (dose sparing)

Hospital LOS

No difference

Mortality, all-cause, infection-related

No difference

Patel et al. (2020),31


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: neonates (N = 101)

Setting: neonatal ICU

Drug class: cephalosporin

Shortage: cefotaxime

Replacement: ceftazidime

Culture positive late-onset sepsis

Increased with the use of ceftazidime (NSS)

Multidrug-resistant organism infection

Increased with the use of ceftazidime (NSS)

Stage II to III necrotizing enterocolitis

Increased with the use of ceftazidime

Urinary tract infection

No difference


No difference

Hospital LOS

No difference

Adverse events

No occurrences in either group

Landry et al. (2019),33


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: adults with uncomplicated cellulitis requiring IV therapy (N = 203)

Setting: ED

Drug class: uricosuric drug

Shortage: probenecid (in combination with IV cefazolin)

Replacement: IV cefazolin only, continuous infusion

Recurrence (admission or ED visit for cellulitis within 30 days of treatment end)

No difference

Adverse events: rash, nausea

No difference


Swets et al. (2023),39

the Netherlands

Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: adults hospitalized for COVID-19 (N = 5,485)

Setting: hospital

Drug class: monoclonal antibody (interleukin-6 inhibitor)

Shortage: tocilizumab (IV)

Replacement: tocilizumab (fixed dose and low dose); sarilumab


• Lower survival with fixed-dose tocilizumab and sarilumab

• No difference in survival with low-dose tocilizumab

Hospital LOS

• Shorter LOS with low-dose tocilizumab and sarilumab

• No difference in LOS with fixed-dose tocilizumab

ICU admission or mortality

Higher ICU admissions or death with fixed-dose tocilizumab, low-dose tocilizumab, and sarilumab

Stukas et al. (2022),20


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: adults with a diagnosis of pneumonia secondary to SARS-CoV-2 infection (N = 153)

Setting: ICU

Drug class: monoclonal antibody (interleukin-6 inhibitor)

Shortage: tocilizumab (IV), weight-based dose

Replacement: tocilizumab (IV), fixed dose

Duration of mechanical ventilation

No difference


No difference

Hospital LOS

No difference


Higher mortality in the fixed-dose group (NSS)

Lecronier et al. (2020),27 France

Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia (N = 80)

Setting: ICU

Drug class: protease inhibitor

Shortage: lopinavir-ritonavir

Replacement: hydroxychloroquinine

Treatment escalation: intubation, ECMO, RRT

No difference


No difference

Safety and tolerance outcomes: neutropenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, increased ASP and ALT, acute renal failure, prolonged QT interval

No difference


Dannemiller et al. (2022),16 US

Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: adults undergoing cardiac surgery (N = 1,544)

Setting: surgery

Drug class: antifibrinolytic drug

Shortage: epsilon-aminocaproic acid

Replacement: tranexamic acid

Safety events: mortality, cardiovascular, renal, seizure

No difference

Freeman et al. (2021),21 US

Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: adults who qualified for general or continuous renal replacement therapy electrolyte replacement protocol (N = 288)

Setting: ICU

Drug class: electrolytes

Shortage: IV electrolyte replacement products

Replacement: enteral electrolyte replacement


No difference


No difference

Duration of mechanical ventilation

Decreased in the shortage period group

Neto et al. (2021),23


Study design: retrospective cohort, uncontrolled

Population: patients with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (N = 24)

Setting: dialysis clinic

Drug class: monoclonal antibody

Shortage: eculizumab

Replacement: None

Disease relapse

Increased after unplanned eculizumab interruption

McAlister and Youngson (2020),30


Study design: retrospective cohort, uncontrolled

Population: adults dispensed any of the

recalled valsartan products

(N = 34,726)

Setting: community

Drug class: angiotensin receptor blocker

Shortage: generic valsartan

Replacement: alternative angiotensin receptor blocker; brand name valsartan

Outpatient visits

Increased immediately after generic valsartan recall

ED visits

Increased immediately after generic valsartan recall (older patients only)

ED visits, hospitalizations for stroke or TIA

No difference

van Langenberg et al. (2020),11 Australia

Study design: prospective cohort

Population: people with mild to moderate ulcerative colitis (N = 31)

Setting: outpatient

Drug class: 5-ASA

Shortage: balsalazide

Replacement: alternative 5-ASA formulations (e.g., multimatrix mesalazine)

Clinical activity

Higher than expected proportion of patients with worsening disease with alternative 5-ASA

Adverse events

Higher than expected proportion of patients with significant side effects with alternative 5-ASA


No difference

Treatment escalation

No difference


No difference

Flares requiring hospitalization

Increased with alternative 5-ASA

Yang et al. (2020),32


Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: adult patients with hyperkalemia receiving IV insulin

(N = 134)

Setting: ED

Drug class: glucose-elevating drug

Shortage: dextrose 50%

Replacement: dextrose 10%

Symptomatic hypoglycemia

Lower incidence in the dextrose 10% group (NSS)

Adverse events, including extravasation

No occurrences in either group


Acadamia et al. (2022),15 US

Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: adults (N = 696)

Setting: ED

Drug class: small-volume parenteral solutions

Shortage: IV piggyback administration of penicillins and carbapenems

Replacement: IV push administration of penicillins and carbapenems

Drug-related adverse events

No difference


No difference

Tschumper et al. (2021),24 US

Study design: retrospective cohort

Population: adults (N = 90)

Setting: hospital

Drug class: small-volume parenteral solutions

Shortage: prolonged infusion (4 hour) of piperacillin-tazaobactam

Replacement: continuous infusion of piperacillin-tazobactam

Hospital LOS

No difference


No difference

Safety: thrombocytopenia

Higher incidence with continuous infusion (NSS)

Safety: Clostridioides difficile infection, acute renal failure

No difference

Safety: seizure

No occurrences in either group


Fewer readmissions with continuous infusion (NSS)

Blair and Covington (2020),25 US

Study design: retrospective cohort, uncontrolled

Population: adults (N = 120)

Setting: hospital

Drug class: small-volume parenteral solutions

Shortage: 4-hour extended infusion of piperacillin-tazobactam

Replacement: continuous infusion of piperacillin-tazobactam

Acute kidney injury

Incidence with continuous infusion similar to previously reported results with extended infusion

Marsh et al. (2020),29


Study design: retrospective cohort, uncontrolled

Population: adults (N = 1,000)

Setting: hospital

Drug class: small-volume parenteral solutions

Shortage: IV piggyback administration of beta-lactam antibiotics

Replacement: IV push administration of beta-lactam antibiotics

Adverse events

Safety of IV push administration similar to previously reported results with IV piggyback administration

5-ASA = 5-aminosalicylate; ADR = adverse drug reaction; ALT = alanine aminotransferase; AST = aspartate aminotransferase; BCG = Bacillus Calmette-Guérin; DRC = Democratic Republic of the Congo; ECMO = extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; ED = emergency department; GI = gastrointestinal; H1A = histamine-1 antagonist; H2A = histamine-2 antagonists; HDTMX = high-dose methotrexate; ICU = intensive care unit; LOS = length of stay; NSS = not statistically significant; PACU = post-anesthetic care unit; RRT = renal replacement therapy; SARS-CoV-2 = severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; TIA = transient ischemic attack.


The development of a preventive approach could possibly help mitigate the impacts of drug shortages. To achieve this, first, drugs that are potentially the highest impact need to be identified. Anticipating which drugs are likely to be most impactful during a shortage involves identifying those most at risk of supply chain disruptions and those most likely to cause patient harm. Ranking drugs based on their risk of shortage and their risk of harm during a shortage can help decision-makers put into place pre-emptive strategies. This report supports this objective by summarizing types of harms that may occur during drug shortages, and, although not the primary intent of this report, by identifying the types of drugs experiencing shortages studied in the literature. Most of the published trials examined the effectiveness and safety of alternative drugs during drug shortages. The harms outcomes that were most frequently reported were adverse events or safety-related outcomes and health system use, including length of stay, mortality, and disease progression. Similarly, a French registry study described the types of adverse drug reactions related to drug shortages as reported to a pharmacovigilance database.7 The authors described harms from adverse drug reactions; serious adverse drug reactions, including hospitalization, life-threatening events, or death; and disease progression.7 The primary studies that concluded that the examined drug shortage had negative consequences reported health system use, adverse events, disease progression, and mortality as harms outcomes.11,19,23,31,37,39

This report summarizes the available evidence on the effect of drug shortages on patient outcomes and will be used in combination with other CADTH work to support future decision-making regarding drug shortages, including:


1.Drug Shortages in Canada. Ottawa (ON): Health Canada; 2023: Accessed 2023 Nov 9.

2.Protocol for the Notification and Communication of Drug Shortages. Drug Shortages Canada; 2017: Accessed 2023 Nov 9.

3.A Toolkit for Improved Understanding and Transparency of Drug Shortage Response in Canada. Drug Shortages Canada; 2017: Accessed 2023 Nov 9.

4.Aronson JK, Heneghan C, Ferner RE. Drug shortages. Part 1. Definitions and harms. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2023;16:16. PubMed

5.Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. Syst. 2021;10(1):89. PubMed

6.Phuong JM, Penm J, Chaar B, Oldfield LD, Moles R. The impacts of medication shortages on patient outcomes: A scoping review. PLoS ONE. 2019;14(5):e0215837. PubMed

7.Bourneau-Martin D, Babin M, Grandvuillemin A, et al. Adverse drug reaction related to drug shortage: A retrospective study on the French National Pharmacovigilance Database. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2023;89(3):1080-1088. PubMed

8.Miyazato Y, Terada M, Ujiie M, et al. A nationwide prospective cohort study on safety of the 17D-204 yellow fever vaccine during a vaccine shortage in Japan. J Travel Med. 2023;30(2):05.

9.Rojas A, Hachey W, Kaur G, Korejwo J, Muhammad R. Enhanced safety surveillance of STAMARIL R yellow fever vaccine provided under the expanded access investigational new drug program in the United States. J Travel Med. 2023;31:31. PubMed

10.Cole JB, Stang JL, DeVries PA, Martel ML, Miner JR, Driver BE. A Prospective Study of Intramuscular Droperidol or Olanzapine for Acute Agitation in the Emergency Department: A Natural Experiment Owing to Drug Shortages. Ann Emerg Med. 2021;78(2):274-286. PubMed

11.van Langenberg DR, Cheng RK, Garg M. Outcomes of a drug shortage requiring switching in patients with ulcerative colitis. World J Gastrointest Pathophysiol. 2020;11(2):32-42. PubMed

12.Wong NX, Buttery J, McMinn A, Azhar Z, Crawford NW. Safety of the Polish BCG-10 Vaccine During a Period of BCG Vaccine Shortage: An Australian Experience. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020;39(6):e66-e68. PubMed

13.Lachance S, Bourguignon A, Boisjoly JA, et al. Impact of Implementing a Bendamustine-Based Conditioning Regimen on Outcomes of Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Lymphoma while Novel Cellular Therapies Emerge. Transplant Cell Ther. 2023;29(1):34.e31-34.e37. PubMed

14.Strobbe G, Gaboriau L, Abele M, et al. Impact of histamine-2 antagonist shortage on the incidence of hypersensitivity reactions to paclitaxel: a reconsideration of premedication protocols in France (PACLIREACT Study). Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2023;79(9):1229-1238. PubMed

15.Academia EC, Jenrette JE, Mueller SW, McLaughlin JM. Evaluation of First-Dose, Intravenous Push Penicillins and Carbapenems in the Emergency Department. J Pharm Pract. 2022;35(3):369-376. PubMed

16.Dannemiller RE, Knowles DM, Cook BM, Goodberlet MZ, Kelly JM, Malloy R. Comparison of trauma-dosed tranexamic acid versus aminocaproic acid in cardiac surgery in the setting of drug shortage. J Card Surg. 2022;37(10):3243-3249. PubMed

17.John K, Cape K, Goodman L, Elefritz J. Impact of the Injectable Opioid Drug Shortage on Analgesia and Sedation Management in the Medical Intensive Care Unit: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Hosp Pharm. 2022;57(1):160-166. PubMed

18.Katsivalis KV, Kosacz J, Austin Szwak J. Opioid Use in Vaso-Occlusive Crisis During Intravenous Opioid Drug Shortage. Hosp Pharm. 2022;57(6):721-726. PubMed

19.Rodriguez-Monguio R, Lun Z, Bongiovanni T, Chen CL, Seoane-Vazquez E. Postoperative Respiratory Events in Surgical Patients Exposed to Opioid Analgesic Shortages Compared to Fully Matched Patients Non-exposed to Shortages. Drug Saf. 2022;45(4):359-367. PubMed

20.Stukas S, Goshua G, Kinkade A, et al. Reduced fixed dose tocilizumab 400 mg IV compared to weight-based dosing in critically ill patients with COVID-19: A before-after cohort study. Lancet Reg Health Am. 2022;11:100228. PubMed

21.Freeman L, Newsome AS, Huang E, Rowe E, Waller J, Forehand CC. Assessment of Electrolyte Replacement in Critically Ill Patients During a Drug Shortage. Hosp Pharm. 2021;56(4):296-301. PubMed

22.Haiduc M, Patel M, Walsh TL, Moffa MA, Bremmer DN. Impact of a cefepime shortage on dosing regimens and outcomes in hospitalized adults with febrile neutropenia. J Oncol Pharm Pract. 2021;27(2):297-304. PubMed

23.Neto ME, de Moraes Soler L, Vasconcelos HVG, et al. Eculizumab interruption in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome due to shortage: analysis of a Brazilian cohort. J Nephrol. 2021;34(4):1373-1380. PubMed

24.Tschumper E, Dupuis K, McCrory K, Pitts W. Evaluation of Prolonged Versus Continuous Infusions of Piperacillin/Tazobactam During Shortages of Small Volume Parenteral Solutions. J Pharm Technol. 2021;37(6):271-277. PubMed

25.Blair K, Covington EW. Incidence and Risk Factors of Acute Kidney Injury in Patients Receiving Concomitant Vancomycin and Continuous-Infusion Piperacillin/Tazobactam: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Ann Pharmacother. 2020;54(11):1096-1101. PubMed

26.Farrell NM, Killius K, Kue R, Langlois BK, Nelson KP, Golenia P. A Comparison of Etomidate, Ketamine, and Methohexital in Emergency Department Rapid Sequence Intubation. J Emerg Med. 2020;59(4):508-514. PubMed

27.Lecronier M, Beurton A, Burrel S, et al. Comparison of hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir, and standard of care in critically ill patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia: an opportunistic retrospective analysis. Crit Care. 2020;24(1):418. PubMed

28.Li H, Cimino SK. Clinical impact of the etoposide injection shortage. J Oncol Pharm Pract. 2020;26(1):187-192. PubMed

29.Marsh K, Ahmed N, Decano A, et al. Safety of intravenous push administration of beta-lactams within a healthcare system. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2020;77(9):701-708. PubMed

30.McAlister FA, Youngson E. Impact of the Generic Valsartan Recall in Alberta, Canada. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020;75(15):1860-1862. PubMed

31.Patel PD, Bhagat P, Bartlett AH, Bondi DS. Comparison of Neonatal Outcomes With the Use Cefotaxime Versus Ceftazidime in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2020;25(2):117-123. PubMed

32.Yang I, Smalley S, Ahuja T, Merchan C, Smith SW, Papadopoulos J. Assessment of dextrose 50 bolus versus dextrose 10 infusion in the management of hyperkalemia in the ED. Am J Emerg Med. 2020;38(3):598-602. PubMed

33.Landry DL, Eltonsy S, Jalbert LP, Girouard G, Couture J, Belanger M. Continuous cefazolin infusion versus cefazolin plus probenecid for the ambulatory treatment of uncomplicated cellulitis: A retrospective cohort study. J Assoc Med Microbiol Infect Dis Can. 2019;4(2):108-112. PubMed

34.Nelson AC, Kehoe J, Sankoff J, Mintzer D, Taub J, Kaucher KA. Benzodiazepines vs barbiturates for alcohol withdrawal: Analysis of 3 different treatment protocols. Am J Emerg Med. 2019;37(4):733-736. PubMed

35.Roy AM, Lei M, Lou U. Safety and efficacy of a urine alkalinization protocol developed for high-dose methotrexate patients during intravenous bicarbonate shortage. J Oncol Pharm Pract. 2019;25(8):1860-1866. PubMed

36.Visage R, Kaiser N, Williams M, Kim A. Oral Methods of Urinary Alkalinization for High-dose Methotrexate Administration: Alternatives to Intravenous Sodium Bicarbonate During a Critical Drug Shortage. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2019;41(5):371-375. PubMed

37.Neff MP, Wagner D, Phillips BJ, et al. Propofol Drug Shortage Associated With Worse Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Outcomes Despite a Mitigation Strategy. Aana J. 2018;86(2):147-154. PubMed

38.Nzolo D, Engo Biongo A, Kuemmerle A, et al. Safety profile of fractional dosing of the 17DD Yellow Fever Vaccine among males and females: Experience of a community-based pharmacovigilance in Kinshasa, DR Congo. Vaccine. 2018;36(41):6170-6182. PubMed

39.Swets MC, Moss RJ, Kor F, et al. A comparison of the effectiveness of different doses of tocilizumab and sarilumab in the treatment of severe COVID-19: a natural experiment due to drug shortages. Int J Infect Dis. 2023;129:57-62. PubMed

Appendix 1: Selection of Included Studies

Figure 1: Selection of Included Studies

Alt-text: 1,871 citations were identified, 1,742 were excluded, while 129 electronic literature and 0 grey literature potentially relevant full text reports were retrieved for scrutiny. In total, 34 reports are included in the review.

Appendix 2: References of Potential Interest

Scoping Reviews

Unclear Outcomes

Tucker EL, Cao Y, Fox ER, Sweet BV. The Drug Shortage Era: A Scoping Review of the Literature 2001-2019. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2020;108(6):1150-1155. PubMed

Nonrandomized Studies

Not Direct Patient Harm Outcomes

Chun B, He M, Jones C, et al. Variation in Statewide Intravesical Treatment Rates for Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer During the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Drug Shortage. Urology. 2023;177():74-80.

N'Kaoua E, Attarian S, Delmont E, et al. Immunoglobulin shortage: Practice modifications and clinical outcomes in a reference centre. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2022;178(6):616-623. PubMed

Zhang B, Yeh DD, Ortiz-Reyes LA, Chang Y, Quraishi SA. Impact of nationwide essential trace element shortages: A before-after, single-center analysis of hospitalized adults receiving home parenteral nutrition therapy. Nutr Clin Pract. 2022;37(2):442-450. PubMed

Martei YM, Grover S, Bilker WB, et al. Impact of Essential Medicine Stock Outs on Cancer Therapy Delivery in a Resource-Limited Setting. J Global Oncol. 2019;5():1-11.

Hedlund NG, Isgor Z, Zwanziger J, et al. Drug Shortage Impacts Patient Receipt of Induction Treatment. Health Serv Res. 2018;53(6):5078-5105. PubMed

Additional References

Potentially Relevant Studies Published Before January 1, 2018

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Gross AE, Johannes RS, Gupta V, Tabak YP, Srinivasan A, Bleasdale SC. The Effect of a Piperacillin/Tazobactam Shortage on Antimicrobial Prescribing and Clostridium difficile Risk in 88 US Medical Centers. Clin Infect Dis. 2017;65(4):613-618. PubMed

Howard J, Wigley J, Rosen G, D'Mello J. Glycopyrrolate: It's time to review. J Clin Anesth. 2017;36():51-53.

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