CADTH Health Technology Review

Drug Shortages: A Scoring System to Evaluate and Prioritize the Clinical Importance of Drugs in Canada

Environmental Scan



Environmental Scan


Evidence and Value: Impact of Decision-Making


Health Canada


health technology assessment


multicriteria decision analysis


patient-reported outcome


systematic literature review

Key Messages


Drug shortages are an ongoing global health issue and pose significant challenges to policy-makers and health care providers.1-6 They may result from various factors, including supply chain disruptions, unexpected increases in demand, and globalization, and can have a negative impact on patient outcomes.1-7 Drug shortages can also have significant financial implications, both direct and indirect, primarily driven by increased drug acquisition and personnel expenditures associated with identifying and acquiring therapeutic alternatives.4-6,8 Though certain types of drugs are more vulnerable to shortages, they have occurred across a range of different medications, and any given drug has the potential to be at risk.4,5,7,9,6,7Between 2022 and 2023 in Canada, more than 2,700 drug shortages were reported to Health Canada (HC), which lasted an average of 98 days.7 As such, HC has created a Health Products Shortages Directorate to identify how to address health product shortages better.6

Though there are currently measures in place to prevent, mitigate, and resolve drug shortages,1,2,5-7 the ability to predict drugs at risk of a shortage accurately can be another helpful strategy used to reduce their occurrence and duration, as lack of advanced warning has been identified as a leading cause of this problem.4,9-11 This would reduce the need to depend on manufacturers or distributors to report an impending drug shortage and prevent situations where activities to manage a drug shortage only occur when it begins.4,5,9,10 The ability to predict which drugs have the highest probability of shortage in advance will help ensure proactive measures for consistent drug supply and optimized patient care.9,11

In addition to accurately predicting drugs at risk of a shortage, incorporating a systematic approach to prioritizing these drugs based on clinical importance would be helpful in effectively managing drug shortages, as this would help identify high-priority targets among the abundance of drugs in the market.12,13 Quantitative methods to objectively measure the value of drugs in decision-making have previously been investigated across a range of therapeutic areas using various frameworks, which typically comprise multiple assessment components including, but not limited to, important clinical criteria.14-18 Such tools could be leveraged to manage drug shortages to help allocate resources to the most clinically important at-risk drugs.

This Environmental Scan (ES) is part of a series of initiatives regarding drug shortages and was conducted to identify and adapt a scoring system that could be used to rank the importance of drugs systematically and objectively in Canada based on clinical criteria. Additionally, this ES was completed to support an expert panel involved in developing a drug shortage risk framework, which considers both the drugs' clinical importance and supply chain risks.6,19


The key objectives of this ES were as follows:

  1. To identify scoring systems developed to evaluate the importance of drugs based on clinical criteria.

  2. To identify a single scoring system, adapt it to rank the clinical importance of drugs, and inform a drug shortage risk prediction model in Canada.

Research Questions

  1. Are there scoring systems that exist that were developed to evaluate the importance of drugs based on clinical criteria?

  2. Is there a scoring system that can be used and adapted to rank the clinical importance of drugs and inform a drug shortage risk prediction model in Canada?


Literature Search

An information specialist conducted a literature search on key resources, including MEDLINE, the websites of Canadian and major international health technology agencies, and a focused internet search. The search strategy comprised controlled vocabulary, such as the National Library of Medicine’s MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) and keywords (Appendix 1). The search was completed on September 15, 2023, and limited to English-language documents published since 2003.

Screening and Study Selection

One reviewer screened and selected studies for inclusion. In the first screening level, titles and abstracts were reviewed, and potentially relevant articles were retrieved and assessed for inclusion. The final selection of full-text articles was based on the criteria presented in Table 1. Screening focused on studies which utilized specific scoring systems and well-defined clinical criteria for effective drug prioritization based on clinical characteristics associated with clinical importance that were not specific to an indication or drug class. Information was extracted on study characteristics and methodology, the clinical criteria used in the scoring system, and how aggregate scores were calculated. No formal critical appraisal of the included studies was conducted.

Table 1: Article Inclusion Criteria




General population




Scoring system to evaluate the importance of drugs based on clinical criteria that were not specific to an indication or drug class.

Types of information

  • Description of each criterion used in the scoring system

  • Description of how each criterion is scored and how the aggregate score is calculated

Selection and Adaptation of Single Scoring System for Drug Shortage Risk Framework

This report provides an overview of studies that employed specific scoring systems, focusing particularly on clinical criteria to rank drugs' importance effectively. After identifying potential scoring systems, they were compared qualitatively, and a single scoring system was selected to inform the drug shortage risk framework based on a comprehensive assessment of the clinical criteria included in the scoring system and scoring methodology.

After a single scoring system was selected, it was piloted and adapted with the involvement of an expert panel and clinicians as part of the clinical review process. Expert panel members assessed the scoring system categories and definitions, providing suggestions based on individual expertise. The tool was then tested by 3 clinicians, with changes adapted to ensure interpretability and ease of use. After revising the tool, clinicians with diverse expertise and experience used the selected scoring system to evaluate a list of drugs. Additional adjustments were made to refine the final scoring system within the clinical review process based on issues that arose in specific cases. The final scoring system was built from the ES and adapted based on expert panel and clinician review to improve the use of the system as part of the drug shortages risk framework. Further details of the use of the tool and integration into the framework will be described in future reports by the team leading the development of the framework.


Literature Search Results

A total of 447 citations were identified from the MEDLINE search. Following title and abstract screening, 96 potentially relevant reports were retrieved for full-text review. Of these potentially relevant articles, 3 were included in this report.14,20,21 Additionally, 2 other articles identified from the focused internet search were also included,22,23 resulting in a total of 5 included articles.

Summary of Identified Scoring Systems

An overview of the identified scoring systems, including their objectives, criteria selection methods, and selected criteria, is presented in Appendix 2. Overall, the identified scoring systems collectively underscored the significance of adopting the multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) framework as a pivotal methodological approach within health technology assessment (HTA) and drug evaluation practices. The scoring systems used various methodologies to identify and weigh criteria for the MCDA models. Angelis and Kanavos highlighted stages, including a systematic literature review (SLR), expert consultation, and value tree development.22 Goetghebeur et al. piloted an adaptable decision-making framework incorporating MCDA in HTA.20 Iskrov et al. involved a survey to identify decision criteria and stakeholder preferences in the HTA of orphan drugs, developing a simple MCDA model reflecting societal perspectives through stakeholder input.21 Jakab et al. conducted an SLR to identify and reduce criteria for future MCDA frameworks.14 Zelei et al.’s literature review emphasized novel criteria in pricing and reimbursement decisions for pharmaceuticals.23

The selection criteria used across the identified scoring systems are presented in Table 2. Across the scoring systems, broad overarching categories were identified, which were used to organize the revised MCDA criteria framework: Disease Impact, Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability, Contextual Considerations including existing guidelines and availability of comparator interventions, criteria defining additional Patient Benefit and Other Benefits (i.e., societal, health-systems-based, innovation, and other considerations), and quality of evidence.

Table 2: Selection Criteria Used in the Identified Scoring Systems


Angelis and Kanavos, 201722

Goetghebeur et al., 201220

Iskrov et al., 201621

Jakab et al., 202014

Zelei et al., 202123

Disease impact

  • Unmet need

  • Disease severity

  • Disease severity

  • Size of population

  • Chronic, life-threatening disorder

  • Acute disorder

  • Chronic nonlife-threatening disorder

  • Disease severity

  • Disease severity

  • Size of population or prevalence

  • Burden of illness

Intervention outcomes: Efficacy

  • Direct, meaningful end points

  • Indirect/surrogate end points

  • Improvement of efficacy or effectiveness

  • Clinical and statistical significance

  • Lifesaving: yes or no

  • Health gain

  • Comparative clinical effectiveness

Intervention outcomes: Safety and tolerability

  • Safety and tolerability

  • Contraindications and warnings

  • Improvement of safety and tolerability

  • Rare adverse effects

  • Nonrare adverse effects

  • Frequent adverse effects

  • Very frequent adverse effects

  • Comparative safety, adverse events, or side effects

Contextual considerations: Guidelines

  • Clinical guidelines

  • Expert opinion

Contextual considerations: Comparator interventions

  • Comparator interventions limitations (unmet needs)

  • Alternative: yes or no

  • Availability and accessibility of alternative therapies

  • Innovative profile of treatment

  • Unmet medical need or availability of alternative treatments

  • Level of innovation

Patient benefit

  • Patient convenience

  • Improvement of patient-reported outcomes

  • Type of medical service (cure)

  • Cure

  • Life expectancy and quality of life

  • Patient adherence and persistence

  • Value-added services to patients

  • Type of therapeutic benefit (curative, lifesaving)

  • Health-related quality of life and patient-reported outcomes effects

  • Longevity effects

  • Adherence-improving factors (posology, patient convenience, comfort)

Type of benefit: Other

  • Spill-over effect

  • Mechanism of action

  • Public health interest

  • Indication in children and older people

  • Indication in children

  • Indication in older people

  • Public health priority

  • Equity

  • Productivity

  • Manufacturing complexity

  • Equity or support for vulnerable groups

  • Production of toxic waste pollution by intervention

  • Manufacturing complexity

Quality of evidence

  • Adherence to the requirements of the decision-making body

  • Completeness and consistency of reporting evidence

  • Relevance and validity of evidence

  • Randomized controlled clinical trials

  • Nonrandomized clinical trials

  • Cohort and case-control studies

  • Cross-sectional studies

  • Case reports and expert opinions

  • Strength of evidence

  • Reduction in uncertainty (strength, quality, or level of evidence)

Among the identified selection criteria, the following themes emerged:

Selection and Adaptation of a Single Scoring System

The 5 identified scoring systems underwent further assessment to identify those that presented a comprehensive approach, covering all proposed assessment criteria of interest without any notable gaps (Table 2). Specifically, this evaluation focused on determining the extent to which each study thoroughly addressed the categories of interest (i.e., Disease Impact, Intervention Outcomes: Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability, Patient Benefit, and so forth.) within the context of the MCDA. Among the 5 scoring systems, 2 studies, Goetghebeur et al. and Zelei et al.,20,23 were deemed to have a thorough assessment, covering all categories within the MCDA matrix, and were considered for selection and adaptation for informing the drug shortage risk framework.

Subsequently, it was examined whether the weighting or scoring of each criterion was further investigated or proposed in the 2 scoring systems under consideration. Indeed, both Goetghebeur et al. and Zelei et al. described the weighting of their proposed assessment criteria. Table 3 presents the weight or relative importance of the top 5 criteria in each scoring system. For additional details on the “Weight or Relative Importance of Clinical Criteria,” refer to Appendix 2. Regarding the proposed weighting score, Zelei et al. conducted an SLR focusing on MCDA and its use in evaluating therapies specifically for rare diseases.23 In contrast, the method suggested by Goetghebeur et al. comprised a 2-part evaluation process based on the Evidence and Value: Impact on Decision-Making (EVIDEM) framework, specifically developed to bridge HTA with MCDA. This scoring system was designed to provide a core MCDA model adaptable to the context of decision-makers using the tool, using a contextual tool combined with a “by-criterion” HTA report methodology to provide synthesized evidence at the criterion level; these multipurpose tools consist of an MCDA module and an HTA module.20 Thus, the scoring system by Goetghebeur et al. was considered a cornerstone study within its domain, given its comprehensive approach and preliminary weighting assessment validation, and was selected to be used and adapted to objectively rank the clinical importance of drugs and inform the drug shortage risk prediction model.

Table 3: Weight or Relative Importance of the Top 5 Criteria in the Scoring Systems of Goetghebeur et al. and Zelei et al.


Goetghebeur et al., 2012

Zelei et al., 2021

Disease impact

Intervention outcomes: efficacy

  • (2) Improvement of efficacy or effectiveness

  • (1) Comparative clinical effectiveness

Intervention outcomes: safety and tolerability

  • (4) Improvement of safety and tolerability

  • (2) Comparative safety, adverse events, or side effects

Contextual considerations: guidelines

Contextual considerations: comparator interventions

Patient benefit

  • (5) Type of medical service (cure)a

  • (3) Health-related quality of life and patient-reported outcomes effects

  • (4) Longevity effects

  • Adherence-improving factors

(posology, patient convenience, comfort)

Type of benefit: other

  • (3) Public health interest

Quality of evidence

  • (1) Relevance and validity of evidence

  • (5) Completeness and consistency of reporting evidence*

For each scoring system, the top 5 criteria are indicated and ranked from 1 to 5, with 1 representing the criterion with the highest weight or importance.

aTie in the ranking of 2 criteria.

As outlined in the study by Goetghebeur et al. (Appendix 3),20 decision criteria on which the framework was built were identified based on an extensive analysis of the literature and detailed analysis of drug coverage decision-making processes from more than 20 jurisdictions worldwide. The MCDA model was subsequently built by selecting a set of criteria that fulfilled the principles of MCDA modelling (i.e., completeness, nonredundancy, operationality, and mutual independence), consisting of criteria (quantifiable or intrinsic criteria) that are universally operationalizable (i.e., low and high ends of scales are widely agreed upon). Preliminary validation and testing of this decision framework were also performed. A group of representative health care stakeholders appraised the medicines as case studies from several therapeutic areas by creating detailed HTA reports. These reports, drawn from extensive literature and proprietary data on prior submissions, informed the decision criteria in an MCDA matrix. Stakeholders first weighted the importance of each criterion of the MCDA core model independent of the interventions to be appraised. They were asked to independently weigh the importance of each criterion to reflect their perspective in the context of a decision-making committee to optimize health at the societal level. For this purpose, a simple weight elicitation technique on a 5-point scale was used, with 1 representing the most minor important criteria. They then scored the medicines accordingly within the matrix, collecting feedback through structured discussions. To appraise a drug, each criterion is scored on a 4-point scale (minimum score = 0 and maximum score = 3). Relative weights varied widely among participants, although there appeared to be good consensus on the importance of “improvement of efficacy or effectiveness” and “relevance and validity of evidence.” The top 5 criteria allocated the highest weights were, in order: “relevance and validity of evidence,” “improvement of efficacy or effectiveness,” “public health interest,” “improvement of safety and tolerability,” “type of medical service (cure)” and “completeness and consistency of reporting evidence” (there was a tie between the last 2 criteria).

The scoring system by Goetghebeur et al. was then adapted using feedback obtained by expert panel members and clinicians as part of the development of a risk framework and at-risk medicines list. The revised decision matrix is presented in Table 4. This revised matrix emphasizes 9 clinical criteria of interest across 5 categories. The proposed matrix underwent adaptation to capture distinct categories more effectively within MCDA. This adaptation involved integrating grouped criteria proposed from prior studies and addressing areas of overlap among identified MCDA criteria found in the literature. Of note, this suggested framework serves as an initial guide only and may be further refined through additional assessments and adaptations in developing an algorithm for drug shortages. Specific adaptations included:

Table 4: Proposed Scoring System to Rank the Clinical Importance of Drugs in Canada (Adapted from Goetghebeur et al.)


Criteria (with description)

Scoring (with example)

Disease impact

D1: Disease severity

The severity of the health condition of patients treated with the proposed intervention (or severity of the health condition to be prevented) concerning mortality, disability, impact on quality of life, and clinical course (i.e., acuteness, clinical stages). Severity has a component of time and association. Consider how strongly associated the condition is with the timing of severe outcomes and their occurrence.

0 = Not severe (minor inconvenience)

3 = Very severe

Scoring example (for information only):

0: Minor inconvenience

1: Disease affecting quality of life

2: Disease associated with disability

3: Life-threatening disease

D2: Size of population

Several people affected by the condition (treated or prevented by the proposed intervention) among a specified population at a specified time can be expressed as an annual number of new cases (annual incidence) and/or proportion of the population affected at a certain point of time (prevalence).

0 = Very rare disease

1 = Rare Disease

2 = Slightly Common Disease

3 = Common disease

Scoring example (for information only):

0: X < 1/100,000

1: 1/100,000 < X < 1/1,000

2: 1/1,000 < X < 1/100

3: X > 1/100

Context of intervention

C1: Clinical guidelines

Concurrence of the proposed intervention (or similar alternatives) with the current consensus of experts on what constitutes state-of-the-art practices in managing the targeted health condition; guidelines are usually developed via an explicit process intended to improve clinical and/or standard practice.

Note: Recommendations from clinical guidelines should be treated with significant caution if there is significant financial COI in the guideline committee. Significant COI is defined as the committee chair(s) having any declared financial COI if more than half of the committee members have any declared financial COI, if the guidelines received funding from pharmaceutical companies, or if the guidelines do not contain a statement about funding or financial COI.

0 = No recommendation

3 = Strong first-line recommendation

Scoring example (for information only):

0: No recommendation or intervention (or similar alternatives) not recommended

1: Intervention (or similar alternatives) recommended but not first-line

2: Intervention (or similar alternatives) recommended first line, but the recommendation is not strong and/ or there are other first-line alternatives

3: Strong first-line recommendation for intervention above all other alternatives

C2: Comparator interventions limitations (unmet needs)

Shortcomings of comparative interventions in their ability to prevent, cure, or facilitate the condition targeted also include shortcomings concerning safety, patient-reported outcomes, convenience, and availability within Canada.

−1 = Disadvantageous comparator intervention or no benefit

0 = No or very minor limitations

3 = Major limitations

Scoring example (for information only):

-1: Disadvantageous comparator intervention or no benefit

0: No or very minor limitations

1: Minor limitations (e.g., minor impact on quality of life)

2: Moderate limitations (e.g., moderate adverse events)

3: Major limitations (e.g., limited efficacy or efficacious in a limited number of patients, serious adverse events)

Intervention outcomes

I1: Improvement of efficacy or effectiveness

The capacity of the proposed intervention to produce a desired (beneficial) change in signs, symptoms, or course of the targeted condition beyond beneficial changes produced by alternative interventions. Includes efficacy and effectiveness data, as available.

0 = Lower efficacy or effectiveness than comparators presented or all drugs lack efficacy or effectiveness

3 = Major improvement in efficacy or effectiveness

Scoring example (for information only):

0: Lower efficacy or effectiveness than comparators or all drugs lack efficacy or effectiveness

1: Same efficacy as comparator

2: Some improvement in efficacy or effectiveness

3: Major improvement in efficacy or effectiveness, the larger eligible population

I2: Improvement of safety and tolerability

Reduction in intervention-related health effects that are harmful or undesired compared to alternative interventions.

0 = Lower safety or tolerability than comparators presented or all drugs unsafe

3 = Major improvement in safety or tolerability

Scoring example (for information only):

0: Lower safety or tolerability than comparators or all drugs unsafe

1: Same safety or tolerability as comparators

2: Some improvement in safety or tolerability

3: Major improvement in safety or tolerability

Patient benefit

P1: Improvement of patient-reported outcomes (PRO)

The capacity of the proposed intervention to produce beneficial changes in patient-reported outcomes (PROs) (e.g., quality of life) beyond beneficial changes produced by alternative interventions also includes improvement in convenience to patients (e.g., ease of administration or complexity).

0 = Worse patient-reported outcomes/lower convenience/lower adherence than comparators presented or no drugs provide any improvements

3 = Major improvement

Scoring example (for information only):

0: Worse patient-reported outcomes than comparators or no drugs provide any improvements

1: Same improvement in patient-reported outcomes

2: Some improvement in patient-reported outcomes

3: Major improvement in patient-reported outcomes

P2: Type of medical service (cure)

Nature of the clinical benefit provided by the proposed intervention at the patient level (e.g., symptom relief, prolonging life, cure).

−1 = No improvement or worsen condition

0 = Minor service

3 = Major service

Scoring example (for information only):

-1: No improvement or worsening condition

0: Minor improvement of condition (e.g., symptom relief)

1: Major improvement of condition

2: Prolonging life

3: Cure or saving life

Type of benefit: other

T1: Public health interest

Risk reduction is provided by the proposed intervention at the population level (e.g., prevention, reduction in disease transmission, reduction in the prevalence of risk factors). Consider the impact on marginalized populations' inequality if the drug was not available.

0 = No risk reduction

3 = Major risk reduction

Scoring example (for information only):

0: No risk reduction

1: Minor risk reduction (e.g., reduction in prevalence of risk factors)

2: Moderate risk reduction (e.g., reduction in disease transmission)

3: Major risk reduction (e.g., prevention)

COI = conflict of interest.


A limitation of this report is that this was not a comprehensive SLR. Only 1 electronic database was searched, and the search was restricted to publications within the past 20 years of the search date; therefore, other potentially relevant articles outside these search parameters were missed. Additionally, the objective of the selected scoring system by Goetghebeur et al. was to develop an MCDA framework for the purposes of decision-making within the context of HTA and not specifically for informing the management of drug shortages; however, Goetghebeur et al.’s intention was that their framework could be adapted to the context of the decision-makers using the tool, and expert panel members and clinicians piloted the tool to ensure its applicability to prioritizing the clinical importance of drugs in Canada and modified according to their feedback. Lastly, no formal critical appraisal of the methodologies of the included scoring systems was completed.

Conclusions and Implications for Decision or Policy-Making

The ability to accurately predict drugs at risk of a shortage would be a vital aspect in effectively managing drug shortages; however, these drugs must also be prioritized in a meaningful way to identify high-priority targets among the abundance of drugs in the market. The purpose of this ES was to identify a systematic method of objectively evaluating and ranking the value of drugs based on critical clinical criteria and adapt the selected tool to the context of prioritizing the clinical importance of drugs in Canada. A total of 5 potential scoring systems were considered and 1 scoring system was selected and adapted (based on expert panel member and clinician feedback), finally comprising an assessment of 9 clinical criteria across 5 different categories. The criteria include an evaluation of disease severity, size of the population, clinical guidelines, comparator interventions limitations (unmet needs), improvement of efficacy or effectiveness, improvement of safety and tolerability, improvement of PRO, type of medical service (e.g., symptom relief, prolonging life, cure), and public health interest. The proposed tool can be used when decision-making requires an objective and systematic evaluation of the clinical importance of drugs. Additionally, this tool will help inform a drug shortage risk framework and at-risk medicines list in Canada, which will consider both the clinical importance and supply chain risks of drugs.


1.Protocol for the Notification and Communication of Drug Shortages. Drug Shortages Canada; 2017: Accessed April 14, 2024.

2.A Toolkit for Improved Understanding and Transparency of Drug Shortage Response in Canada. Drug Shortages Canada; 2017: Accessed April 14, 2024.

3.Aronson JK, Heneghan C, Ferner RE. Drug shortages. Part 1. Definitions and harms. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2023;89(10):2950-2956. PubMed

4.Ventola CL. The drug shortage crisis in the United States: causes, impact, and management strategies. P t. 2011;36(11):740-757. PubMed

5.Shukar S, Zahoor F, Hayat K, et al. Drug Shortage: Causes, Impact, and Mitigation Strategies. Front Pharmacol. 2021;12:693426. PubMed

6.Health Canada. What we heard: Improving access to drugs and other health products in Canada. Government of Canada. Published 2023. Accessed April 20, 2024.

7.Drug Shortages in Canada. Ottawa (ON): Health Canada; 2023: Accessed April 14, 2024.

8.Fox ER, Birt A, James KB, Kokko H, Salverson S, Soflin DL. ASHP Guidelines on Managing Drug Product Shortages in Hospitals and Health Systems. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2009;66(15):1399-1406. PubMed

9.Liu I, Colmenares E, Tak C, et al. Development and validation of a predictive model to predict and manage drug shortages. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2021;78(14):1309-1316. PubMed

10.Jenks S. Efforts Underway To Curb Drug Shortages. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2011;103(12):914-915. PubMed

11.Pall R, Gauthier Y, Auer S, Mowaswes W. Predicting drug shortages using pharmacy data and machine learning. Health Care Manag Sci. 2023;26(3):395-411. PubMed

12.Socal MP, Estus E, Long J, Crane MA, Pegany V, Anderson GF. Developing Prioritization Criteria to Identify Target Drugs for CalRx, the California Generic Drugs Initiative. Value in Health. 2023;26(5):634-638. PubMed

13.Esba LCA, Almodaimegh H, Alhammad A, Ferwana M, Yousef C, Ismail S. P&T Committee Drug Prioritization Criteria: A Tool Developed by a Saudi Health Care System. P t. 2018;43(5):293-300. PubMed

14.Jakab I, Németh B, Elezbawy B, et al. Potential Criteria for Frameworks to Support the Evaluation of Innovative Medicines in Upper Middle-Income Countries-A Systematic Literature Review on Value Frameworks and Multi-Criteria Decision Analyses. Front Pharmacol. 2020;11:1203. PubMed

15.Bentley TGK, Cohen JT, Elkin EB, et al. Measuring the Value of New Drugs: Validity and Reliability of 4 Value Assessment Frameworks in the Oncology Setting. J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2017;23(6-a Suppl):S34-s48.

16.Glaus CEG, Kloeti A, Vokinger KN. Defining 'therapeutic value' of medicines: a scoping review. BMJ Open. 2023;13(12):e078134. PubMed

17.Pignatti F, Wilking U, Postmus D, Wilking N, Delgado J, Bergh J. The value of anticancer drugs — a regulatory view. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology. 2022;19(3):207-215. PubMed

18.Zhang C, Ma EL, Liu BL, Wu B, Gu ZC, Lin HW. Framework Development for Clinical Comprehensive Evaluation of Drugs-a Study Protocol Using the Delphi Method and Analytic Hierarchy Process. Front Pharmacol. 2022;13:869319. PubMed

19.Canada's Drug and Health Technology Agency (CADTH). Drug Shortages in Canada — Expert Panel. Published 2023. Updated October 5, 2023. Accessed April 14, 2024.

20.Goetghebeur MM, Wagner M, Khoury H, Levitt RJ, Erickson LJ, Rindress D. Bridging health technology assessment (HTA) and efficient health care decision making with multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA): applying the EVIDEM framework to medicines appraisal. Med Decis Making. 2012;32(2):376-388. PubMed

21.Iskrov G, Miteva-Katrandzhieva T, Stefanov R. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Assessment and Appraisal of Orphan Drugs. Front Public Health. 2016;4:214. PubMed

22.Angelis A, Kanavos P. Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) for evaluating new medicines in Health Technology Assessment and beyond: The Advance Value Framework. Soc Sci Med. 2017;188:137-156. PubMed

23.Zelei T, Mendola ND, Elezbawy B, Németh B, Campbell JD. Criteria and Scoring Functions Used in Multi-criteria Decision Analysis and Value Frameworks for the Assessment of Rare Disease Therapies: A Systematic Literature Review. Pharmacoecon Open. 2021;5(4):605-612. PubMed

Appendix 1: Search Strategy

Note that this appendix has not been copy-edited.

Database(s): Ovid MEDLINE(R)

Table 5: Literature Search Strategy





exp *Decision support techniques/ or Decision-Making/



((multi?criteria or multiple criteria) adj3 (decision or model* or framework*)).ti,ab,kf.



((Decision or deliberat*) adj3 (analys* or criteri* or model* or framework* or tool* or scale* or score* or system* or aid* or criteri* or tree or support* or process* or approach* or method*)).ti,kf.



or/1 to 3



Drugs, Essential/



((drug* or medicine* or pharmaceutical* or pharmacotherap* or health* intervention*) and (score* or scoring or scale* or rank* or weight* or priorit* or value* or valuing or allocation* or benefit* or evaluation* or selection* or appraisal* or consideration*)).ti.



(CLEAN meds or Wise list).ti,ab,kf.



evaluation algorithm*.ti,ab,kf.



or/5 to 8



Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale.ti.



(4 and 9) or 10



limit 11 to (english language and yr = ”2003 -Current”)


Appendix 2: Summary of Identified Scoring Systems

Note that this appendix has not been copy-edited.

Summary of Objectives

1. Angelis and Kanavos, 201722

2. Goetghebeur et al., 201220

3. Iskrov et al., 201621

4. Jakab et al., 202014

5. Zelei et al., 202123

Summary of Criteria Selection Methods

1. Angelis and Kanavos, 201722

2. Goetghebeur et al., 201220

3. Iskrov et al., 201621

4. Jakab et al., 202014

5. Zelei et al., 202123

Summary of Selected Criteria

1. Angelis and Kanavos, 201722

a Defined as “R&D positive externalities that can lead to the development of subsequent innovation(s).”

2. Goetghebeur et al., 201220

3. Iskrov et al., 201621

4. Jakab et al., 202014

5. Zelei et al., 202123

Summary of Weight or Relative Importance of Clinical Criteria

  1. Angelis and Kanavos, 201722

    • Not applicable: theoretical applications of weigh-score-based criteria discussed, especially in the context of prior research.

  2. Goetghebeur et al., 201220

    • Relative weights varied widely among participants, although there appeared to be good consensus on the importance of:

      • “I1, improvement of efficacy/effectiveness” (SD 0.7) and

      • “Q3, relevance and validity of evidence” (SD 0.6).

    • Largest variations in weights across the group were observed for the criteria:

      • “D2, size of population” (SD 1.2) and

      • “Q1, adherence to requirements of decision-making body” (SD 1.3).

    • Participants found the criteria most important to decisions:

      • “Q3, relevance and validity of evidence” and

      • “I1, improvement of efficacy/effectiveness” with mean weights of 4.7 and 4.5, respectively.

    • The lowest weights were assigned to the criteria:

      • “C1, clinical guidelines” (3.0 [SD 1.0]) and

      • “E1, budget impact” (3.0 [SD 0.9]).

Figure 1: Normalized Weight Scoring in the Scoring System of Goetghebeur et al.

The normalized weight score for each of the 15 decision criteria in the scoring system of Goetghebeur et al., with total scores for the 10 tested medicines based on scores assigned by study participants. The normalized weight scores across all decision criteria range from 0.05 to 0.08 and the cumulative value of all normalized weights is 1. The higher the total score, the more valuable the intervention.

Note: The cumulative value of all 'normalized weights' is 1.00. The proposed weighted ratios may be readjusted as needed for the revised MCDA matrix. For the proposed MCDA core model, an estimate close to 1 would represent an ideal intervention. Consistent use of the MCDA model and applicable methodology by the same decision-making committee will provide more accurate value estimates for ranking and comparing interventions within a contextual framework.

  1. Iskrov et al., 201621

    • The highest weight was given to criteria describing health technology's characteristics (44 points), followed by those describing the indicated disorder (32 points) and public health considerations (24 points). Lifesaving was considered the most important criterion within the health technology category​.

    • Criteria such as disease severity and disease burden were critical, with more emphasis on chronic, life-threatening conditions. Stakeholders recognized the need for real-world data and the impact of rarity on orphan drugs' evidence.

  2. Jakab et al., 202014

    • The final outcome of this process was a set of 16 general criteria proposed for local adaptation in MCDA frameworks. This set was not presented in a ranked order but as a comprehensive pool from which stakeholders can select and adapt criteria based on local priorities and context; a weighting assessment/proposal was not carried out.

  3. Zelei et al., 202123

    • Three highly referenced value frameworks were selected (i.e., the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research [ISPOR] value “flower,” the ICER value framework, and the Second Panel on Cost-Effectiveness impact inventory) to categorize criteria into 3 groups according to their use in traditional HTA. The terminology of the ISPOR value flower was used: (1) core criteria (i.e., criteria using traditional HTA), (2) standard but inconsistently included criteria (i.e., criteria assessed in certain settings or jurisdictions), and (3) novel criteria (value criteria typically not assessed in traditional HTA.

    • Summarized in terms of the most frequent core value criteria (type and frequency of inclusion):

      • comparative clinical effectiveness

      • comparative safety and adverse events and side effects

      • health-related quality of life and PRO effects

      • longevity effects.

    • Summary of the most frequent common value criteria (type and frequency of inclusion):

      • adherence-improving factors (posology, patient convenience, comfort).

    • Summary of the most frequent novel value criteria (type and frequency of inclusion):

      • unmet medical needs and availability of alternative treatments

      • severity of the disease

      • reduction in uncertainty (strength, quality, level of evidence)

      • type of therapeutic benefit (curative, lifesaving)

      • size of population/prevalence

      • burden of illness

      • level of innovation

      • equity and support vulnerable groups

      • manufacturing complexity

      • expert opinion

      • production of toxic waste pollution by intervention.

Appendix 3: MCDA Model of Goetghebeur et al., 201220

Note that this appendix has not been copy-edited.

Figure 2: Decision Criteria Included in the MCDA Model of Goetghebeur et al.

The 15-decision criteria elements in Goetghebeur et al.'s Multicriteria Decision Analysis Model are scored from 0 to 3, with higher scores representing greater value.