Drugs, Health Technologies, Health Systems

Methods and Guidelines

Development of an Evaluation Instrument on Artificial Intelligence Search Tools for Evidence Synthesis

Key Messages

What Was the Question?

There are conflicting calls for evidence synthesis producers to adopt or avoid recent artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Our question was: How do we evaluate rapidly evolving AI tools to enhance the production of evidence syntheses and maintain quality standards?

What Did We Do?

To advance information retrieval science for producing evidence syntheses at Canada’s Drug Agency (CDA-AMC), the Research Information Services team developed a process to evaluate promising AI search tools. We inventoried 51 tools in the fall of 2023, established selection criteria, assessed specific attributes, and built a standalone instrument to support continuous monitoring and evaluation of new tools.

What Did We Find?

Rapid development of AI search tools requires a flexible evaluation instrument to inform adoption decisions and enable comparison between tools. We identified mandatory and desirable characteristics for suitable AI tools to assist with information retrieval tasks conducted by CDA-AMC. This work enabled the development of a flexible instrument to evaluate novel AI search tools for evidence synthesis.

What Does This Mean?

CDA-AMC operationalized a replicable process to monitor and evaluate AI search tools. Our approach to evaluating AI technologies will advance information retrieval methods by CDA-AMC, and our evaluation instrument will assist any evidence synthesis producer interested in adopting AI search tools.


Evaluating the Performance of Automation or AI Tools for Evidence Synthesis

Evidence synthesis producers use a range of automation tools to expedite review tasks, including search alerts for identifying updated evidence sources, deduplication routines for managing search results, machine learning classifiers for screening studies, and more.1-4 Novel generative AI tools may further assist with review tasks, such as search strategy development;5 however, just as the preceding generation of technologies required performance testing and validation,2,4 this new generation of tools also needs evaluation.6,7

Evaluation studies of automation tools that assist with information retrieval (i.e., “search”) tasks are time-consuming to conduct and publish.8 With developers constantly updating their tools and releasing new products, performance evaluations also grow outdated quickly. Aside from the challenges to produce and maintain performance evaluation of automation tools for search tasks in evidence synthesis, information specialists may also encounter lacklustre performance in real-world settings.9,10

As observed by comparing searches conducted with and without automated search tools, performance may not improve over usual practice, or may only improve in 1 area (e.g., time to search) but decrease in another (e.g., time to screen).11 While generative AI search tools may surpass their predecessors’ performance, evaluating these tools remains a necessary undertaking. Until we can demonstrate reliable performance in real-world settings, searches conducted with AI tools may supplement — but not replace — our usual practice. In addition, given the risk of autonomous technologies missing key evidence or reaching incorrect conclusions, we must avoid overreliance on new AI search tools by operators who cannot validate results.12

The Research Information Services (RIS) team at CDA-AMC comprises information retrieval experts with experience evaluating automation technologies for evidence synthesis.13,14 The RIS team had both the incentive and the expertise to embark on a project in 2023 — following the release of ChatGPT by OpenAI and during the successive AI boom — to develop an efficient and replicable evaluation process to keep pace with technological innovations.

Project Overview

For CDA-AMC to leverage the potential benefits of automation technologies for evidence synthesis, we needed a continuous approach to monitor and assess new tools. Our objective was to advance the science for information retrieval work conducted by CDA-AMC by developing an evaluation approach for current and future AI search tools.

As an evidence synthesis producer and health technology assessment agency, CDA-AMC is not unique in needing to conduct individualized evaluations of automation tools. Our evaluation methods and the instrument developed through our project will be relevant for all evidence synthesis producers interested in using AI search tools.

Defining AI Search Tools

For the purposes of the evaluation project, we defined “AI search tools” to include established automation technologies and machine learning that had not been previously evaluated by CDA-AMC, in addition to newer generative AI technologies. There is a long history of automation use in the information sciences,15 and we recognized AI as an umbrella term for technologies that performs tasks “that would ordinarily require biological brainpower to accomplish, such as making sense of spoken language, learning behaviours or solving problems.”16 By adopting a broad definition that included successive generations of technologies, we aimed to recognize the potential value of both older and newer tools. For evaluating AI technologies to assist with search tasks, we further classified tools as “narrow” (i.e., intended to perform a specific task or set of related tasks)17 or as “generative” (i.e., intended to produce content).18

We focused our evaluation on search tasks conducted by RIS at CDA-AMC and by all information specialists who work on evidence syntheses, as follows:

For information specialists working on systematic reviews, these tasks take, on average, 30 hours to complete but can range from 2 hours to 219 hours.19 AI search tools already improve (or show promise to help improve) performance or reduce the amount of time spent on these tasks,4 particularly search strategy development.6

To inform the development of our evaluation process, we inventoried a broad range of AI tools that included both narrow tools (e.g., citation analysis, text mining) and generative tools (e.g., large language-model chat bots) to assist with these search tasks.


Generating an Inventory of AI Search Tools

Tool Identification

To develop our evaluation process, we identified potential AI search tools by consulting 2 curated collections:

We also consulted the Royal Danish Library’s project files on Artificial Intelligence and Literature Seeking.

These sources were supplemented with regular, automated updates from Semantic Scholar. Our team added 10 “seed articles” (i.e., known, relevant publications about automation tools for evidence synthesis) to a Semantic Scholar library. The library generated a weekly research feed of related publications that we screened and selected to further build our library. As of December 18, 2023, the Semantic Scholar research library contained 56 articles that we consulted for our inventory.

Although AI search tools continued to launch over our investigational period, we stopped adding to the inventory once we reached 51 tools (Appendix 1) so we could proceed with building our evaluation process. The increasing availability of new tools further reinforced our need for a standalone instrument to help evaluate future AI search tools.

Data Collection and Tool Selection

We consulted published studies that evaluated a range of databases or search systems20-22 to design a data collection spreadsheet (in Microsoft Excel). Our team recorded 12 characteristics of the AI tools identified by the search (e.g., tool name, URL, developer, terms of use) to aid selection and scoring.

Using the same data sheet, we screened all identified AI tools according to inclusion and exclusion criteria (Table 1).

Table 1: Selection Criteria

Inclusion (must answer yes)

Exclusion (must answer no)

1. Does it support information retrieval tasks?

1. Is it a citation manager?

2. Is it oriented toward biomedicine?

2. Is it a full-text retrieval tool?

3. Is it currently available? Does it support a basic search?

3. Is it a screening tool?

4. Was it created or updated within the past 2 years?

4. Is it a data abstraction tool?

5. Is it a standalone tool?

5. Does it require programming knowledge?

6. Does the tool support English-language requests?

6. Could the terms of use restrict our abilities to incorporate this tool into review production?

7. Does the tool include clear terms of use?

7. Is it cost-prohibitive to use?

8. Are the corpus’s contents clear, transparent?

8. Have we investigated this tool previously?

Seventeen selected tools (for which all inclusion criteria answers were “yes” or “unclear,” and all exclusion answers were “no” or “unclear”) proceeded to be pilot-tested and to have their attributes scored. In instances where our reviewers marked criteria as “unclear,” we relied on the information from the tools’ webpages. We did not contact tool developers to request additional information. Figure 1 shows the flow of tools through selection.

Figure 1: Flow of Tools Through Selection

The figure shows 4 text boxes with arrows between them. The text boxes contain the numbers of tools identified, the number of tools screened, the number of tools excluded (with the reasons), and the number of tools scored.

Source: Figure adapted from: Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD, et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ 2021;372:n71. doi: 10.1136/bmj.n7

Tool Characteristics

Collected information about our inventoried AI search tools helped us to conceptualize an overview of these tools available in 2023. We used the information to develop the attributes for scoring each tool.

AI Types

We classified 20% (10 of 51) of the AI search tools identified as “generative” (i.e., capable of performing a range of tasks, producing content such as article summaries) or having a generative AI component. The remaining 80% (41 of 51) were identified as “narrow” or “limited” (i.e., capable of performing a specific task).

Search Tasks

The tools claimed to perform a range of 1 or more search-related tasks. Overall, 61% of the tools (31 of 51) claimed to assist with paper identification, 33% (17 of 51) claimed to assist with network identification (e.g., the creation of a network of related publications), and 9% (5 of 51) claimed to assist with summary generation (e.g., summarizing a group of papers).


In total, 63% of the tools (32 of 51) were freely available at the time of evaluation, and 16% (8 of 51) offered a tiered pricing model with a free (“freemium”) version offering limited tasks. Subscription-based tools offered various pricing models based on institutional types (e.g., academic, business) or number of users (e.g., individual versus team). When published on their websites, listed subscription costs ranged widely from US$55 to US$8,340 annually. Many tools requested that subscribers contact the company for pricing information.

We did not exclude tools based on cost, but the criteria contributed to our scoring.


The tool developers were a mix of individuals, academics, and corporations. Developers based in the US represented 47% of the tools (24 of 51); but developers came from a wide range of countries including Australia, Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, the UK, and Ukraine. Developers with international partnerships represented 12% of the tools (6 of 51).


Overall, 86% (44 of 51) of the tools relied on corpora (i.e., data collections), and 12% of the tools (6 of 51) relied on the user to upload data. Commonly reported corpora included 1 or more open access, scholarly literature datasets of bibliographic records (e.g., PubMed, PubMed Central) or aggregated datasets (e.g., Lens.org contains records from PubMed, Crossref, Open Alex, Microsoft Academic Graph, and others).

Overall, 18% of the tools (9 of 51) used Crossref data for their corpus; 18% of the tools (9 of 51) used Semantic Scholar data for their corpus; and 6% (3 of 51) used Lens.org data for their corpus. Tools commonly provided data for other tools (e.g., Lens.org is the corpus for SpiderCite); less commonly, the tools operated with subscription databases (e.g., Citespace works with Web of Science records).

We excluded 8 tools for having an unclear corpus (i.e., we could not determine their data sources).


We accessed 78% of the tools (40 of 51) via a website application and 12% of the tools (6 of 51) via a desktop application. For 7% (4 of 51), we could not determine how to access the tools, primarily because the tools were no longer available.

We excluded 9 tools for being unavailable. The breadth of tools in our inventory allowed us to observe this life cycle, where developers can suspend tool maintenance or development.

Pilot Testing and Scoring

To score our 17 selected tools, our team pilot-tested searches in 2 topic areas: yoga as an intervention, and long COVID as an indication. We picked yoga as a test search topic because of our experience with this intervention term yielding large quantities of variable-quality studies, and we picked long COVID as a challenging indication with many new studies and emerging terminology.

For pilot testing, we scored each tool according to 12 attributes (Table 2). We developed the attributes through discussion and consensus after exploring the characteristics of all the inventoried tools. We scored selected tools for each attribute using a scale of 0 to 3 (0 = insufficient; 3 = performs well). Published studies for evaluating technology tools for systematic reviews informed our scoring scale.20,22

Table 2: Scoring Attributes


Scoring questions for reviewer


Is it novel? Is this newer AI (e.g., generative) or older (e.g., narrow)? Do other tools offer the same functionality?


Does it appear we can replicate methods to search the tool? Do sessions in different browsers (1 in incognito mode) return the same results? Will 2 people get the same results if using the tool?


Does the tool offer an increase in efficiency over our current processes?


Does the tool align with the GoC Guide on the use of Generative AI? Does the tool comply with copyright laws?


Is the corpus large enough? Does the training set provide comprehensive coverage of biomedical scholarly literature? Is there a gap for specific publication types (e.g., conference proceedings, theses, trial registry records)?


Are the coverage dates for the corpus sufficiently large for CDA-AMC products? Does the tool cover publications from at least the past 10 years?


Is the dataset updated frequently? Is there a coverage gap for recent publications?


Can we use this tool with our current methods and systems? Does the export function support our use of the tool? Does the file format correspond with our existing citation managers and screening tools?


Was the tool available during testing? Did it operate unpredictably? Are we aware of user complaints?


Does it appear relatively easy to learn and to use? Are there training materials available?


Is user support available?


Would we use this for our work? Is this a potentially valuable tool?

AI = artificial intelligence; CDA-AMC = Canada’s Drug Agency; GOC = Government of Canada.


Development of an Evaluation Instrument

Our data collection spreadsheet allowed us to compare tools, but it proved unwieldly to maintain as new tools became available for evaluation. We refined our approach through reflection on the process to evaluate our inventory of tools. An adapted evaluation instrument enables rapid evaluation of individual tools by guiding the evaluator through 8 characteristics questions, 13 selection criteria, and 10 scoring attributes. The instrument then guides the evaluator to score the tool out of 30.

Our standalone evaluation instrument is available as a Microsoft Excel worksheet for use by evidence synthesis producers.

To validate the evaluation instrument, we conducted 2 exercises: we used the instrument to evaluate 3 tools from our project, then compared the selection decisions and scores; and we also used the instrument to conduct a new evaluation for a tool that we had not previously evaluated. Further enhancements to the tool resulted from our validation exercises, but we found that the tool performed comparably to the data collection instrument for our evaluation project. Figure 2 presents a sample evaluation using the instrument.

Figure 2: A Sample Evaluation Created With the AI Search Tool Evaluation Instrument

The AI Search Tool Evaluation Instrument is shown as a worksheet with 4 sections. The first section contains descriptive information about the tool. The second section is a checklist with the selection criteria. The third section records the decision to evaluate the tool. The fourth section contains scores between 0 and 3 for 10 attributes. The footer contains a scoring guide.

AI = artificial intelligence; Sep = September.

Establishing a Replicable and Scalable Process

To monitor the availability of new tools, we continuously receive automated alerts of methods papers on information retrieval and alerts from Semantic Scholar using the seed evaluation studies that we identified for this project. As we learn of new AI search tools, we rapidly screen and score those tools using our evaluation instrument.

If a tool meets our selection criteria, it is pilot-tested and scored out of 30 using the 10 refined attributes that our team identified through our evaluation of our inventory tools. To aid in decision-making for scored tools, we added a guide to the instrument that suggests 3 possible actions: reevaluate if warranted by future development, recommendations, or validation studies (for tools that score 0 to 10); proceed with caution and consider only to supplement usual practice (for tools that score 11 to 20); and consider incorporating into search methods (for tools that score 21 to 30).

Using the evaluation instrument, we select and score tools as they become available to us. We use the scores to compare available AI search tools and to inform our adoption decisions.


A strength of the inventory project was that it identified key questions to determine the appropriateness of automation tools to support the work of CDA-AMC. For example, many tools claimed to deliver comprehensive information, but often we could not determine the tools’ data sources. Tools promoted the number of items they contained (e.g., “over 7 million articles”) without sharing details about the items’ scope, coverage dates, currency, and so on. A major take-away for our team was to always check a tool’s corpus to determine its adequacy and to check for overlap with existing databases and collections.

Another take-away for our team was to always assess the tools’ terms of use to determine what rights we retain to the information we input (e.g., search strategies, PDFs) and the output generated by the tool (e.g., data visualizations, lists of articles). Some tools required us to upload full-text PDF articles in violation of licence agreements. In other cases, tools generated outputs that we were restricted to reproduce or use. We learned to verify any risks or restrictions before inputting or outputting data to these tools.

In addition to learning key questions for evaluating AI tools (e.g., What is its corpus? What are its terms of use? Can we export the results?), CDA-AMC gained essential knowledge about the range of available AI tools to assist with search tasks for evidence synthesis. We benefited from having the opportunity to test a wide range of AI tools and identified multiple tools that may be useful for our work.

While we aimed to identify all AI search tools available to our team, the rapid development of automated tools for evidence synthesis forced us to limit the number of tools we screened and scored. It is a limitation of our inventory that we could not identify all automation tools to assist with evidence synthesis production. The summary of the characteristics of AI search tools presented previously may not represent all available tools in the fall of 2023.

We also acknowledge that our definition of AI search tools may be too inclusive of older automation technologies, but this definition enabled RIS to evaluate a wider range of potentially useful technologies. Incorporating more technologies into our definition also allowed us to develop an inclusive instrument that evaluates all automated search tools for evidence syntheses and not just for a narrow subclass of tool types.

We further recognize the limitation that our selection criteria and scoring attributes did not account for potential sources of bias (e.g., language bias). We also did not attempt to evaluate bias using our standalone evaluation instrument. Inherently, all corpora (data sources) used for our usual practice (e.g., PubMed, ClinicalTrials.gov) and to train AI search tools contain bias. Determining the underlying biases of these corpora proved too large an undertaking for our project scope. We acknowledge the need for future investigations by producers and increased transparency by tool developers to uncover biases in the automation tools used for evidence syntheses.

Finally, we acknowledge the limited validation of the evaluation instrument available via this report. As we continue to evaluate new tools, we anticipate that the instrument will undergo additional modifications. We also welcome feedback and suggestions on the instrument and encourage audiences to adapt it as needed for their own purposes. Our team will update our evaluation approach or make new versions of the tool available as the AI technologies space evolves.

As internal evaluations of AI tools are justified, it follows that internally tailored evaluation instruments will be the most useful for such evaluations. We share our instrument knowing that evidence synthesis producers all work in unique environments but share common goals. The evaluation instrument aims to help serve a common goal: to advance our methods while maintaining standards for high-quality evidence syntheses.


Our inventory showed the breadth of available automation search tools for consideration by CDA-AMC and other evidence synthesis producers. An evaluation of these inventoried tools identified key characteristics to inform selection and scoring of tools. This evaluation approach resulted in a standalone instrument for use by CDA-AMC and other evidence synthesis producers for monitoring and evaluating search tools as AI technologies evolve.

Automation technologies, including generative AI, can assist with search tasks for evidence syntheses, but internally conducted evaluations of the utility and appropriateness of automation tools are needed now and in the future. As CDA-AMC identified and evaluated promising AI search tools, developers continued to release new products. To address the volume of novel products, we operationalized a replicable and scalable process. This continuous monitoring and evaluation will ensure that CDA-AMC leverages the potential of AI search tools to improve the performance of current and future work.


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Appendix 1: Inventoried Search Tools


Author Name Disambiguation

Anne O’Tate



Article Galaxy









Connected Papers







Infomap Online




Local Citation Network

Nested Knowledge

Network Workbench







Research Rabbit

Result Assessment Tool



SciSpace (formerly Typeset)


Scite.ai assistant

Scite.ai search

Scopus AI

Semantic Reader

Semantic Scholar



System Pro



Zeta Alpha